"For employable and industry ready skills in #deeplearning , across text and vision use cases - what would be your recommended framework for onboarding this to first time learners? And why? Combination of#Keras + #Tensorflow or #pytorch"
Asked on LinkedIn by,
Co-Founder @ GreyAtom - Chief of Learning & Strategic Partnerships , Founder at DataGiri
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Dear Shweta, Thank you for asking an interesting question. #industryTrends, as you r in the field, u r aware enterprise AI is the way we are heading but is abt 5 years away to becoming main stream. #Matlab #Keras #Tensorflow #Weka will continue to exist in the research space. #Pytorch is FB driven, and FB may see a fall in the next 3 years with it pytorch will tumble.
As for skills for first time learners: #creativity #lateralThinking #curiosity #unLearning2Relearn #AIConcepts #problemSolving and not frameworks, as we will have AI that can write code using frameworks integrated into enterprise AI, is what i'd want to see more of.
Human superpower is #conscience #creativeProblemSoving #ability2ThinkLaterally which AI will need at least 30 more years to assimilate.
Vice-Chair Mambourin | Lead Researcher & Chief Executive AH Syndicate